Save Our Grindhouse

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Everyone seems to be talking about it. There's been some somewhat heated conversations about Grindhouse at Shocklines. Certain parties actually seem to be gloating that it has thus far failed. And these are supposed to be HORROR FANS! One reasonable individual (who hadn't seen it) made the clear-minded observation that 'only an imbecile would release it'. Another proudly claims to be 'not a fan' of the film, but also admits that he hasn't seen it. He went on to say that Grindhouse deserved to flop.

Astonishing, isn't it?

Then some are making the claim that Grindhouse movies are all terribly made and they cite MST3K as proof. "Look how bad those movies are!". Grindh...I mean EXPLOITATION FILMS (a term I prefer) are as varied as anything else. Many are indeed terrible motion pictures. Yet the best of them have a primal vitality that most mainstream movies can't and won't attain.

The game ain't over yet, though things look bad right now. PLEASE, get out and see it. If you already saw it, please, please see it again. If you haven't, please do so. If you hate seeing movies in the theater, can you make an exception? This once?

Grindhouse is the movie of the decade as far as I'm concerned and if it continues to flop, it will be a sore blow to us, the fans. This is OUR picture. Made by fans, for the fans. I think both filmmakers are at the top of their games with this movie and it breaks my heart to see it underperform.

And yes, I know that Grindhouse will make its money easily enough. International showings and home video will ensure that. But a lot of the influential people...the ones that pull the money strings...look at the domestic grosses in the theatrical run. A quick turnaround of the investment, in other words.


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